Dog Trainer Apprenticeship Program

So, you want to become a dog trainer! We can help teach you the skills needed to start your career training dogs!

It takes more than just loving dogs to properly prepare someone to become a dog trainer. In this program, you’ll start the learning you need for a successful career as a dog trainer, including:

  • Basic canine foundation skills
  • How to properly shape, old, or “get” a dog’s behavior
  • How to read canine body language
  • How to use training equipment
  • How to understand and apply operant and classical conditioning
  • How to effectively work in group classes and private lessons

As part of this dual-phase program, all Dog Trainer Apprentices will acquire and then use the knowledge and skills taught in the program in the following ways:

  • Phase I: Three (3) six-week group classes, featuring foundation skills in our Beginner Obedience, Intermediate Obedience, one of our advanced classes and two (2) three-week mini classes of Who’s Walking Who and Dawg Manners. Apprentices will provide an untrained dog of at least six months of age for these classes. Apprentices will work at least five hours each week, keep a log book and will learn to work with training equipment. Homework will be assigned.
  • Phase II: Featuring shadowing of current staff and observation of classes as the Apprentice will learn more about learning theory, canine body language and working with clients in group classes and private lessons. Homework will be assigned.

The Dog Trainer Apprenticeship Program is a commitment of five to 15 hours per week and will include 26 one-on-one meeting lessons with Diane Blackman, Owner & Head Instructor of All Dawgs. All participants will receive an Apprenticeship Manual with information and materials from the training.

Upon completion of the Dog Trainer Apprenticeship Program, the Apprentice will have completed the required six-month training to apply for employment at All Dawgs as an Assistant Instructor.

If you have always wanted to work with dogs, enroll today to start your education! All Dawgs trains good dogs, and good dog trainers!


Register for Apprenticeship Program